cfbutton.gif (993 bytes) Land of Harmony: One Chinese Song A Day
cfbutton.gif (993 bytes) Chinese Learning: One Chinese Word A Day
捉獲 捉获 [zhuo1 huo4] /to capture/
cfbutton.gif (993 bytes) Chinese Geography: One City A Day
City No. 79, Huizhou, Guangdong, same as city, Prefectural-level, 08-04-1958
cfbutton.gif (993 bytes) Land of Beauty: One Chinese Poem A Day
Poem No. 203 柳宗元 登柳州城楼寄漳汀封连四州刺史: 城高楼接大荒, 海天愁思正茫茫, 惊风乱 芙蓉水, 密雨斜侵薜荔墙...

continue... , 岭树重遮千里目, 江流曲似九回肠, 共来百越文身地, 犹自音书滞一乡

LMOS (Linear Model Operating System)

This program is an expert system shell that allows one to code knowledge (observations, linear equations, normal distributions, and linear regression models) as linear belief functions, and combine the knowledge using Dempster's rule of combination. The program uses either Oracle or MS Access as data storage. There is also lighter version of the program, developed in MS Excel, dubbed LMOS Excel. You may request either of these two programs for free by dropping me a request.


This is an online educational support system that integrates a learning management system, a faculty collaboration system, a multimedia test system, and a community learning system. Faculty and students can use it to support full-fledged online or on-site courses. A group of faculty may use it to collaborate to teach multiple sections of the same course. Alternatively, any user (such as a parent) may act as an instructor and use it to build a personal library of questions for others (such as children) to take tests. A user (with a student account) may subscribe to those questions and get a question a day on any subject he or she subscribes. He or she may also use it to manage academic records.

School Bus Drivers' Payroll

This system was originally built for Beckbus Transportation Corporation in Illinois. It allows school bus drivers and branch stations to enter bus routes and daily trips and the payroll office to generate monthly paychecks.

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